Trademark | Moneypenny


Moneypenny looks after calls and chats for businesses of all sizes.

Moneypenny is a registered trademark of Callitech Limited trading as Moneypenny. The name Moneypenny or a similar variation of Moneypenny may not be used by any company trading within the business administration, office functions and telecommunications business sectors without written permission from an appropriate representative of Callitech Limited trading as Moneypenny.

Unauthorised reproduction or use of the Moneypenny trademark or similar variation of the trademark by businesses trading within the sectors listed above will be challenged under the Trademarks Act 1994.

Moneypenny trademark registration number 2172643.

Moneypenny 2020. All rights reserved.

For further information, please contact Moneypenny on 0345 123 3700.