Outsourced Virtual Switchboard Services | Moneypenny

What is your switchboard really costing you?

Simply answer 7 quick questions to find out exactly how much.

Calculate the true cost

How many switchboard operators do you employ?

Enter any part-time staff as a fraction e.g. 2.5.

What is the base salary of your switchboard operators?

According to Reed, the average salary for a London-based switchboard operator is £30,500.

National Insurance

0% for the first £8,844 of earnings, 15.05% applied thereafter.


How much do you contribute to their pension?

According to AON's Benefits and Trends survey, the average employer contribution is 5.6%. For most employers the statutory minimum is 3%.

How much are other benefits worth?

According to HMRC statistics, the average value of taxable benefits is 8.6% of salary. For example, health insurance, subsidised lunches, gym memberships, loyalty reward programmes.

How much time do you spend per person on training and management per week?

A 2014 study by Leadership IQ found that the optimal amount of time to spend interacting with one's leader is 6 hours.

What % of salary do you spend when recruiting a switchboard operator?

Costs usually range from 15% for an in-house solution to 30% for agency-led. Consider the total cost, including agency fee, advertising, temporary cover, and HR costs.

How much do you spend on infrastructure to support each operator per year?

The IPD Blue Chip Office Index put the average total cost of office space and equipment per occupant at £4,800.

See your results

Your switchboard
costs £0.00 annually

Outsource some or all of your switchboard calls to Moneypenny to save between 30-60%.

Book a consultation

Your switchboard
costs £0.00 annually

Interested to find out how we could save you between 30-60% of this cost, get in touch today by calling 0333 202 1005 or:

Discover our switchboard solutions

Gain seamless 24/7 switchboard and business continuity provision.

Scale our support instantly according to demand, so you're never overstaffed.

Improve your customer journey and guarantee agreed SLAs.

Give management back their time and release equipment and office space.

Access world-class speech technology to streamline your switchboard further.