Buy A Local Phone Number - Clever Numbers | Moneypenny

Local Phone Numbers

The perfect local phone number from £10 per month

Customers like to buy from local businesses. Get a regional number from Moneypenny for any geographic location in the UK and give people confidence you're the right company for the job.

Customers are 3x more likely to call a business number versus a mobile

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Buy your new number now for just £10 per month

Request a callback to choose and complete your number set-up, simply provide us with a few details and we'll call you right away.

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Why choose a local phone number from Moneypenny?

Thousands of business numbers available

We have one of the biggest selections of UK business numbers to choose from. You can find the right number for your business easily online, for just £10 a month.

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Get a FREE London office included

Use our state-of-the-art central London coworking space completely FREE as our client. With modern and high-spec meeting rooms also available, as well as the option to promote the location as your own mailing address for an additional charge, it's the ideal home for you and your business.


Divert your number on the go

Changing where your business number rings is easy. Re-route calls to your mobile, office phone, a colleague's number etc. as often as you like via the Clever Numbers app.

Girl with phone

Upgrade as your business grows

Expand your reach with multiple regional numbers. As your requirements change, manage your number within our business phone system for just £10 extra per month and access our award-winning PAYG Telephone Answering Service.

Giddy Woman

Enjoy simple, inclusive packages

No hidden fees here! Gain peace of mind with one monthly cost and no long-term contract. £10 a month gets you a regional number, access to our easy divert app, plus 200 landline and 200 mobile inclusive​ minutes.

Man with phone

Here's how your Business Phone Number works

Your Clever Number

Switch Manage multiple Clever Numbers all in one place


Manage Route and buy numbers plus edit account details

Your destination number This is where your calls ring to

Get your perfect 020 London number and FREE London coworking

Access our stunning coworking space in the heart of London's Tech City completely FREE. Punch above your weight by using Workhub as your registered business address, and take advantage of our meeting rooms and private offices, designed to inspire and motivate.

Trusted by thousands of businesses

Moneypenny's clear offering puts it head and shoulders above the competition. I love knowing that my monthly cost is fixed regardless of mobile or landline use.

Dan Wheatley

Purchased a local number in 2015.

Rated excellent