Get to know the app in more detail
Keep on top of calls
and messages
Manage calls and messages all in one place and activate call recording to receive audit trails of every conversation.
Stay in touch
on the go
Enable GPS within the app so your availability is updated automatically, based on your location.
Send your missed mobile calls to your Moneypenny voicemail and have them transcribed.
Make your allowance
go further
Block nuisance callers so you can prioritise genuine callers and work uninterrupted.
Discover every feature the app has to offer

Activating outbound calling
Make calls from your business number on your mobile to keep your personal number private and give a professional impression every time you make a call.

Setting up voicemail transcription
Remove the hassle of listening to voicemails by having them automatically translated into messages and sent straight to your app to read in your own time.

Using the
GPS feature
If you're regularly on the go, enable GPS within the app so your availability is updated automatically, based on your location, so your PA always knows how to handle calls