Here at Moneypenny, phone answering is what we do best, and we’ve been perfecting how we provide this service for businesses like yours for more than 20 years now. But how does it actually work? We’re here to explain the process of taking a call on your behalf from start to finish.
How we know the call is for you
Your company information is presented automatically to us when taking calls for your business. With access to your teams’ real-time availability, individual office details and product information, to name a few, we have everything we need to have natural and informed conversations with customers on your behalf. Having this information to hand allows us to answer any questions with ease, giving callers the impression we’re another knowledgeable member of your in-house team, based in your business.
We can tell if they’ve called before
When a repeat caller contacts you, our proprietary technology lets us know their name, company name and contact information (so there’s no need to ask for it again if they’ve provided this before) and even which member of staff they’ve dealt with previously and why (so we can see who best to direct the inquiry to). Similarly, if you have VIP callers you want to roll out the red carpet for, or you receive too many cold calls that you just don’t want to deal with, let us know and we will handle these callers according to your exact specifications.
We’re able to have a free-flowing conversation
The company information that is presented to us automatically is compiled of anything that you deem to be important; from directions to your office, to pricing for a specific service or product, everything is gathered in one place. And the more information you give us the better, as it expands our understanding of how your company operates and allows us to represent you exactly as you’d expect one of your in-house team to do.
We know your team’s real-time availability
We aren’t like most phone answering providers, who only have the capacity to support a small number of basic diaries, such as a new inquiry line and an existing inquiry line. We have access to your real-time availability (so we know if you’re available to take calls or not) through individual diaries of your in-house employees, as well as their unique call handling preferences. Whenever this information changes, you can update us via our Moneypenny portal or through Microsoft Teams.
We carry out the necessary steps to complete the call
Unlike traditional receptionists, our technology allows calls to be transferred to you whether you are based in-office or working from home, and if you aren’t available, we can send you a message detailing a caller’s inquiry via email or SMS, the choice is yours. And then there’s our suite of clever integrations, giving us the ability to send pre-qualified inquiries straight into your CRM system, link up with your Microsoft Teams account to access your status information and transfer callers via the platform, and even book appointments through online systems or accounts, such as Calendly.
Try us today
Try our Virtual Receptionist Service today to experience all of the benefits our service brings and see exactly how we work in practice. To get started, give one of our New Business Team a call on 866.202.0005 today.