5 benefits of using a telephone answering service

Did you know unanswered or missed calls cost money and reduce overall customer satisfaction? In fact, research suggests that roughly 1 in 3 business calls are missed. That’s a third of your current and potential customers’ calls going unanswered, which can damage your company’s image, brand, and revenue.

That’s what makes a telephone answering service, which receives incoming calls on your behalf, an essential asset to optimize your communications, streamline your workflow, and increase your profitability.

A telephone answering service provides you with a dedicated receptionist who will get to know your business on a personal level, and function seamlessly as part of your team. Businesses of all sizes who use our virtual receptionist and phone answering service are reaping the benefits of this new way of working. So, here are the top 5 reasons you might want to consider using a phone answering service:

Introducing Moneypenny

Moneypenny helps businesses earn new and retain existing customers by offering a customized suite of inbound phone answering, live chat and customer contact services. From a state-of-the-art facility in Charleston S.C and our office in the UK, Moneypenny manages more than 15 million calls, chats, text messages, and emails for more than 13,000 clients annually.