Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) - Moneypenny

Sustainability at the heart of everything we do

Minimising the impact of our business on the world around us
From reducing energy demand across our Group, to auditing suppliers and making environmentally-friendly choices, we’re doing our bit as a business. This includes:
- Taking the UN’s Climate Neutral Now pledge
- Following the UK three-scope reporting protocol on greenhouse gas emissions
- Offsetting our carbon emissions with Gold Standard carbon credits
Positively impacting the lives of our team and local community
Our brilliant people make Moneypenny the award-winning business it is. We recognise this fact and never stop working to ensure every single team member feels seen, heard and safe. This proactive and supportive mindset extends to everyone within our local community and beyond.
Committed to being a fair, ethical, and inclusive business for all
You’ll hear ‘doing the right thing’ quoted regularly here at Moneypenny. By definition, choosing to do what’s right isn’t always the easy choice; it’s a moral compass we choose to live by. This approach is mirrored in the way our senior leadership conducts itself and pursues industry best practice across the board.